Professional translation services from and into Montenegrin language
Traducta obrt za prevođenje i intelektualne usluge provides professional, two-way translation services at various levels between Montenegrin and more than 30 languages. Our team of translators deal with legal, technical and medical documents, along with other types of written, audio, video and online materials.
We offer a comprehensive translation service, whether translations from and into Montenegrin language, linguistic, legal, scientific and technical revision, copy-editing and proofreading.
We work with top experts, professional translators with at least five years of accredited experience, who are native speakers and experts in specific areas, to ensure high quality services.
Our areas include: law, patents, intellectual ownership, literature, art, culture, theology, anthropology, ethnology, linguistics, the media, IT, journalism, marketing, tourism, catering, food and drink, oenology, agronomics, economics, finances, insurance, banking, architecture, construction, engineering, transportation and communications, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and medicine.
Our translating team for the language combinations we offer are native speakers of the target language, or native speakers of the original language who have native-speaker level knowledge of the target language and master’s level qualifications (or equivalents, according to the Act on Academic and Expert Titles and Academic Degrees, Article 14 paragraph 3, OG 107/07) in translation or other disciplines (Slavic Studies, Croatian Studies, Law, Economics, Journalism, Technical Sciences, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry, Art History, Philosophy, Theology, Musicology, etc.). In addition, for each language combination in our range we ensure a number of experienced translators/editors/revisors with over ten years of accredited professional experience.
Our select translation team can ensure that all phases of the translation process are carried out to the highest standards: translation and checking, linguistic and expert revision (comparing the original text with the translation to detect shortcomings), and reviewing and proofreading to detect stylistic, grammatical and orthographic errors or typos in the finished text.
Our translation project leader, who is also responsible for the quality of the delivered translations, is a professional translator with a doctorate in linguistics from the University of Geneva and many years of translating experience in international organisations and Croatian and foreign translating agencies. She is responsible for all phases of each translating project, from selecting the team, through implementing it and updating our internal glossaries, to the supervisory process and quality control of translations before delivery.
All our translations are the exclusive result of professional real-life translation or computer-assisted programmes (SDL Trados Studio 2017 Professional). We do not use free software tools such as Google Translate.
Data protection declaration
Protection of your privacy and personal data is of great importance to us, and we abide by the EU General Data Protection Regulation and all other legal regulations when performing translation services. Find out more>>>